About the Journal
The European Journal of Digital Economy Research (EJDER) is a double-blind refereed journal that aims to describe, assess and foster understanding of different aspects of the business ecosystem in digital era by providing a critical understanding in a wide spectrum.
EJDER does not charge any article processing, submission or publication fee.
EJDER seeks to develop a robust understanding of the dynamics of the digital economy by publishing up-to-date, high-quality, original research papers particularly but not limited to management, marketing, finance, economy, sociology and psychology fields.
Suggested topics include but not limited to:
- Internet business models
- Business value in e-commerce
- Economics of electronic commerce
- The marketplace and organizational effects of e-commerce
- M-commerce and social media marketing
- Digital product management and property rights
- Formation of e-supply chains, and virtual enterprises
- Economics of information security and privacy
- New business models/enabling technologies, e-businesses trends
- E-business ethics and strategies
- Online reputation management
- Trends in e-business models and technologies
- E-business model valuation
- E-service quality
- Organizational, societal, and international issues of electronic commerce
- Consumer ethnography and netnography
- Psychosocial aspects of cyberspace.
- Epidemiological studies of Internet use and behavior
- Technology addiction and digital detox
- E-government and E-healthcare studies
- Neuromarketing and neurofinance
- Technological developments in accounting and finance
- Blockchain applications and Cryptocurrencies
- Digital audit and forensic accounting
- Behavioral and experimental economics related to e-commerce
- Consumer roles in e-commerce
- Digital culture and cross-cultural issues in virtual communities
- Economic impact of virtual communities
- Individual behavior and group dynamics in virtual communities
- Psychological online career assessment
- Psychological strategies of the IT workers
EJDER is indexed in:
- Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI)
- Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals (EuroPub)
- Root Society for Indexing and Impact Factor Service (Root Indexing)
- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI)
- Directory Indexing of International Research Journals (CiteFactor)
- Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)
- IP Indexing
- Cosmos Foundation (Cosmos)
- ASOS Index
- Google Scholar
- OpenAIRE
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